What has this month brought for you this year? Last May and June here in Maryland, we had temperatures that were warm but not hot, sunny days and little rain, breezes rather than wind. Not so in 2020, however, as it has rained an inordinate amount, (particularly over the weekends), and the temperatures have sometimes been in the fifties. Summer and its heat is nearly upon us, and we have missed out on spring. Drat!
However, I have to admit that my roses bloomed in coral and white profusion nevertheless and the stone pots in my backyard overflow with beauty. So, I shouldn’t complain. But under the cloud cover of COVID, I am probably a little more picky. I’ve wanted to escape from the house into the glider in the backyard more than ever.

If boredom and frustration were rampant here during the last two and a half months, there were also aspects to my days which made me happy. Being cooped up with my husband had an unexpected effect: we cooked together at night, ate lunch around the kitchen table, and threw Mac’s ball, Breeze’s stuffed taco and Cody’s rubber ring back and forth in the yard. Even the dogs seemed to appreciate our continual presence, and during these times our country’s current troubles receded–just a bit.

Summer has arrived now and with it the beginning of Phase II of the release from sheltering in place. Last Saturday night we were lucky enough to score a reservation at a restaurant with a large patio, and were seated in front of an enormous fountain, where we enjoyed a memorable meal. What a little slice of heaven! Someone else cooking, interesting conversation and a balmy breeze in my hair.
Maybe the pandemic has taught me something obvious but important: value what you have in ordinary times. Undoubtedly we had done all these things before, but never with such pleasure. I hope you all will be released from your house arrest shortly, (if you haven’t been already), and that you will look back on this frustrating experience with a sense of appreciation for all that comes next. The one thing I am really anticipating is to get my hair cut and colored. Embarrassing to admit, but that’s one of the things I’ve missed the most!

Have a comment or feedback? Talk to Linda!