Editorial Consulting
I am perhaps most passionate about helping people open up and find their own voice. Sessions in which you get a personal coach for your project is one of my specialties.

I love the ocean, whether it is brilliant and blue at the foot of the cliffs, or churning gray and stormy on the horizon. I love my three Dalmatians, who curl at my feet while I write. I love my two sons, thirty-eight and thirty-nine. I love my husband, partner of nearly twenty years. And, of course, I love spending time every day with words and fitting them together, just so. My life is the well I draw from, and I offer its story up to you, in both my books and my blog essays.
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If you would like to learn more about Linda Gray Sexton, feel free to reach out to her. You may also talk to her regarding a book group, reading, or speaking engagement.