By now, all of you must know how much I enjoy writing these little billet doux to you. As I work on bigger projects—like the memoir that now consumes 90% of my attention—creating them is like flexing a word conscious muscle. It helps me to grow as a writer as it simultaneously keeps me in sync with what is going on in the world, what is going on in my world, and what is going on in your world. At times I have considered giving them up, but I find I am addicted to the process. They seem to come to me unbidden and it is pleasurable to take that inspiration and craft it into words.
However, throughout my sojourn into this sort of writing, I have been bothered by one thing: what I call “Linda’s Newsletter” is not a “newsletter” at all—though it was in the beginning, when I was announcing my new book, Bespotted. A newsletter is generally filled with events or simple information, while these missives to you are more like small, meditative essays.
Because of my discomfort with the email’s subject line “Linda’s Newsletter,” I am going to make a switch. I don’t want you to be confused when, from now on, something called “Linda’s Letters” shows up on your computer or phone. I worry that some of you may not open up to a name you don’t recognize, or think the email is just fodder to be deleted. It’s the same old me, just with a new face.
I want you to know that I am still here, for better or worse, writing “Linda’s Letters”—for a letter is surely what this is. One from me, to you.

Have a comment or feedback? Talk to Linda!