Our world has erupted into the sort of violence whose nature is remembered well by those of older generations, but unprecedented in the lives of the younger. Yet, all of us must certainly feel that we are at war, “declared” by Congress, or not.
Whether you are horrified by the terrorism in Nice, the coup in Turkey, the police fatalities in Dallas and Baton Rouge, or the concomitant shootings of two African Americans; whether you support Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter; whether you believe Chicago’s incredibly high and escalating murder rate of black man against black man is an equally great tragedy, and one which goes ignored by any politician or public official; whether you will vote for Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton–surely you must unite with me in mutual despair and fear.
In memory of all those who have been murdered or injured, in deference to both black and white men and women, as well as to both the police and other innocents, and with empathy for the American and French and Turkish families who have lost so much, I will not write my usual newsletter this week. Any possible topic seems frivolous, and disrespectful of those so gravely afflicted.
My moment of silence is intended to honor those no longer with us, as well as those who continue the battle to bring peace to all men and women of every color, religion and persuasion. May it be so.
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